Earning Money With Google-Simpler Than You Think-Not As Easy As It's Portrayed

Everyone loves the story about how Google went from being the search engine nobody, to "overnight" billionaires. When the decided to take their company public, not only did they become filthy rich, the made hundreds of investor’s instant millionaires as well.
Why were they such a success, when other major search engines were trying to maintain their footing? Simple, they made it easy for everyone to not only make money, but to spend money as well.

Confused yet? Let me elaborate. The major search engines such as Yahoo, MSN, Lycos, and a few others have ALWAYS been in the business of making money. What made Google different is that they made it easier for the small time websites to the looming giants to add relevant content to their sites. In the process of adding content, the also gave people another source of revenue that put money in their pockets. This phenomenon is called Google AdSense.

Basically, anyone with a website can put a few scripts of code into their web pages and relevant ads will appear based on the content of the page they are placed in. Anytime someone other than the site owner clicks on one of these ads, the site owner gets paid. Sounds simple, but in order to get people to click on your ads, on your site, you’re going to need to get people to visit your site. Getting hundreds and thousands of visitors each and everyday is not as simple as creating a website and watching the money roll in. It takes work.

That’s where the need for someone with experience in maximizing your dollars to traffic ratio comes in. In my opinion, in order for a program to be a success it has to cater to the beginner, as well as an advanced user.

The third addition of Google Cash does this effortlessly. The internet is cluttered with programs that claim to take you from poor peon, to internet millionaire overnight but most of these don’t hold their weight in water.

Google cash shows you exactly why and how so many people are quitting their jobs and earning REAL money using Google. A lot of internet marketers are claiming that Google is not what it once was, but that’s simply because many of them where affected by the “Google Slap”……basically they weren’t following the guidelines that Google had set.

Google Cash filters through the hype and the rumors and shows you exactly how to make real money using Google.