Google Adsense Monetizing, Traffic, Testing Tips, Tricks And Resources

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Google Adsense is the most common revenue generators for blogs and websites and probably also the most easier way how to earn money, start to make some income, if You got already niche blog and some traffic. I started with Adsense too, I am not going specifics about numbers, but income is pretty motivating to keep going and think about monetizing. Also remember not to overact, setting up too much advertisements on Your site - this article should be useful if You are just starting out, don’t know how it really works and also for people who use this service but already thinks about some optimizing and digging deeper. I just went it all through, so consider this as sharing with experience, resources and articles, which should help You understand and actually do better when You are thinking about starting to make money from what are You doing.
Usually You can really increase Your overall earning by positioning the ads wisely, choosing the most appropriate banner size and color for Your site. If You want to go to success, You must learn from successful people, who are ready to share and thankfully there are more than enough that kind of people over the world, so let’s take a look.

What really is Google Adsense?


Adsense is an advertising program, which allows You in fast and easy to set advertisements on Your site and finally start to make some money am mount directly depending on Your traffic and the way You set those ads. Once You set up Adsense, You can just monetize, test and forget about it, it’s as simple as that. Google Ads also are related to Your content, it makes things even easier.

At first You must know, how Your earnings are really counted -

1. Adsense Earning = Impression-count x Click-though-rate x Cost-per-click x smart-pricing-factor.

2. Click-through-rate (CTR) is ratio of clicks per impressions. It can range from 0.1% to 30%, but most commonly around 1% to 10%.

3. Cost-per-click (CPC) is the earning you get per click. While traditionally it refers to the amount advertisers pay for each click, it can also mean the amount publishers get for each click.

4.Smart-pricing is Adsense method to determine how valuable clicks from your site is worth. If clicks on your site doesn’t provide good value to advertisers, e.g. from visitors’ geo-location that seldom translate to sales, you will only get a fraction of the supposed CPC.

Read more tips - 100 Google Adsense Tips



Don’t forget about traffic, traffic actually is the key factor to success - more visitors You have, more income You make.

Blog Project: 30 Traffic Generation Tips
30 traffic generation tips from 30 successful bloggers.

Three simple actions that doubled my website traffic in 30 days

How to Build a High-Traffic Web Site (or Blog)

Monetizing, Tips and Tricks


There are a lot of tips available, I will write down just few most important of them:

1. When You set up Your advertisements, consider choosing light colors or Your website colors, which usually work the best. Also think about using the ad rotating tool from Adsense to rotate different designs for testing and against ad blindness among regular visitors.

2. Avoid using borders, if Your ads are placed between content - You don’t want those banners to be too loud.

3. Actually I can describe this all with one word - test. You’ll never know how good different ad formats, colors, sizes and position works for Your site, if You don’t test it. It takes time - but money is totally worth it. Test, but don’t forget about Your readers, overact and You’ll receive slight traffic drops.

3 Adsense Tips To Dramatically Increase CTR

“Correct HTML Code to Include Images or Graphics Above An Adsense Leader Board Block Expert - SEO Forums have been abuzz over a new Adsense tip which has seen a dramatic increase in curs. Many web masters have reported increases over 400 percent after adding four images, expertly positioned horizontally over a 4 block Adsense Leader board, with no border.”

How to Make Money From Your Blog

This article is seriously long (over 7300 words), but it includes several very good tips - from start to finish. How to even decide whether You want to set up advertisements, traffic factors, Your motivation, experience and so on.

10 Adsense Tips

“Ads can work well in-between other stuff. On a games site of mine, some of the games don’t contain ads next to the game area; the Adsense ad will only be shown in-between game rounds. This is the time the visitor is not concentrating on performing a task but might take a small break, and be open to the option of visiting new sites.”

Making Money With Adsense Is Not So Easy Anymore

“Why? Because it’s hard to get ranked in Google. Targeted organic traffic — which is what really works well with Adsense — is so hard to get now that anyone just starting out is going to find it hard to make any significant money.”

Adsense Tips, Layout Optimization Tricks for Higher CTR

“Google Adsense is perhaps the easiest way to attract advertisers from across the globe to your blog. Just submit your blog to Google for approval. If Google likes what it sees, it will place contextual ads linking to products likely to appeal to the readers. Each time a reader clicks a link, the advertiser pays Google a small fee, and Google splits that with you.”

Six ways to experiment with Adsense and grow your earnings

“If I had to narrow my advice on using Adsense down to a single word it would be ‘experiment’. Excellent tips from one of the most known and respected bloggers Darren Rowse.”

Where do I find a list of high-paying Adsense keywords?

“When Adsense publishers hear about keywords that pay $10 or more per click, they want to know where they can get a list of high-paying keywords, even if the real value of such a list is questionable. Here, then, are some ideas on where to get high-paying keyword lists..”

15 Effective Tips to Increase Google Adsense CTR

“How to make more money with Google Adsense? Get more clicks on ads. We all want to increase Google Adsense CTR i.e. click through ratio, because the higher times the surfer clicks the Adsense ad, higher is the payout to you. So here are 15 effective ways to improve your Adsense CTR..”

Where should I place Google ads on my pages?

Google offers several implementation tips, also very useful site heatmap. And actually yes, advertisements before primary content usually works the best, but don’t forget to test, test and test, because there is not one unique solution for every site.


The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Effective Adsense Link Units Optimization

Note : This Article is a copy from another website

Most webmasters and bloggers make money from their website through Google Adsense and I’ve noticed that not all of them include Adsense link units as part of their contextual monetization strategy.

It’s useful to note that Adsense link units can and will help you to generate more income from your website, if you are able to integrate them perfectly within the overall site design and layout.

Google has recently updated their Adsense program policy and publishers are now allowed to place three link units on a single page instead of just one:

As we’ve noted in the past, link units are a great way to provide relevant, user-friendly ads in hard-to-fit locations on your site. With the new opportunity to place three link units — and the plethora of link unit formats — we hope you’ll find great ways of incorporating this unique ad format on your site.

While this change won’t drastically improve your monetization potential, it does offer more placement options for publishers. I thought would be helpful to create a basic primer on how to use Adsense Link Units for your own website or blog.

If you’ve never used link units before, this might be a good time to experiment and find out how they work for your website and monetization goals.

What are Adsense Link Units?

Basically, link units are simply a collection of four to five links within a horizontal or vertical format. When clicked, each of these links will open up into a webpage that consists of nothing but Google ads.


Characteristics of the Adsense Link Unit

  • Link units are unobtrusive. They do not take up much space and can be easily integrated into any single webpage. Their small size and design will not affect the viewer experience of content on your website.
  • Link units do not seem like ads. Unlike other contextual ads, link units can be skillfully blended to look like navigational units on any website. This increases the possibility of click-throughs.

How do you Make Money with Adsense Link Units?

Unlike other Adsense ad units, you’ll only make money when the visitor clicks on the link unit and then clicks on any link within the link page. In other words, you’ll need two visitor clicks before you actually make any money.

This means that, in order to maximize your earning potential, you’ll need to get as many people to click on the link units as possible in the hope of receiving a larger percentage of second clicks.

The link units earnings model simply emphasizes the importance of ad blending and placement. From my experience with link units, I believe that one can easily see a decent number of ad clicks if your link unit is well blended on your site.

Setting up Adsense Link Units for your Website

First of all you’ll need to signup for Google Adsense if you haven’t already done so. After which, log into your account and then click on Adsense Setup and then Adsense for Content. You’ll come to the following screen:


Select the Link Unit and click Continue. You’ll then be able to choose a horizontal or vertical link unit while determining the number of links that will show up in each unit.

After which, you’ll have the option of setting up a channel to track the performance of the link unit. Create a channel by clicking on the Add New Channel link at the bottom of the screen and give it an appropriate name that suits your site.


And you’re done! Just copy the code to your site template and the link units should show up immediately.

Optimization Guidelines for Adsense Link Units

Most of these optimization tips apply to Adsense ad units as well so they may not be new to you:

  • Text color for the link unit should be the same as the link color for your website.
  • Remove the ad borders and ensure that the background color matches your site. This will increase the potential for blending and clickthroughs.
  • Above the fold placement or placement of link units near the top of any webpage will work best for link units.
  • Avoid Ad Congestion and clutter. Link units should not be placed too closely to other advertisements because they may be easily overlooked by visitors. Link units work best when placed to navigational links or as standalone units.
  • Optimize for Search Traffic. Link Units work best with visitors from search engines and should be placed on pages which receive the most consistent search traffic, even if you don’t want to use them on a site wide basis.
  • Use Ad Channels. Ad channels allow you to measure the performance of each link unit you use and allows for comparative analysis. Essential if you want to know which link unit to drop and which to maintain.
  • Mirror your site link structure. One useful method to improve your link unit click through rate is place your link unit beneath or beside your on-site navigational links. This conceptually makes them blend in extremely well although they may confuse visitors.

Four Link Unit Placement Examples

Adsense link unit placement can be broadly divided into four formats, each involving different usages of both horizontal and vertical link units.

I’ve included several screenshots of each format and have included a brief commentary on how you can use them for your own website.

1. Horizontal Link Units as Menu/Navigation Links



In my opinion, this is by far the best way to use link units because they do appear to be exactly like menu links and will attract navigational clicks from visitors who are trying to find more information from your website.

You can include the link units within your header, just beneath your header or only on individual webpages or blog post pages. The key point is to keep them above the fold to ensure maximum visibility.

2. Horizontal Link Units as Footer links


Footer link units are the most unobtrusive and will attract clicks from visitors who browse or scan your website from top to bottom. They can be a useful addition to other link units placed above the fold.

I’ve used horizontal link units as a footer link on Dosh Dosh for about a week and the results have been rather satisfying, given its almost indiscernible placement on the homepage.

I initially put them up as an experiment and I have found that this link unit makes me a few dollars a day, which is not too bad at all.

3. Vertical Link Units as Category Links



I’ve seen some blogs and websites use vertical Link Units as some sort of a category unit in their sidebar. I think these vertical ad units generally perform poorly in comparison to the horizontal link units, which are more well blended and less ad-like.

Unless you’re willing to create a linking structure similar for the link units (see the first screenshot on top), they are likely to stand out like a sore thumb.

Then again, the vertical link unit’s performance may depend on your actual site design and layout so you’ll need to test them to see if they do attract ad clicks from visitors.

4. Vertical Link Unit within Content



I’ve come across very few websites which include a link unit within actual content of a web page and I always wonder how they are performing for these publishers.

Most webmasters would rather include an Adsense ad rectangle instead of a link unit because it only provides one click earnings, instead of the two-clicks which you need from link units.

Giving up a prime in-content spot to link units is not a good idea and it might actually add to the overall clutter of your webpage.

Ultimate Adsense Ad Placement Techniques

When you're running a website, whoever is surfing it is staring at the screen...but where? One of the biggest questions for website designers and adsense publishers is discovering where their website visitors are going to be looking when they arrive at their website. This article will reveal the answer to this often asked question and explain the trick to adsense ad placement for the highest adsense ctr.

"Where are the user's eyes looking?" Where do your eyes go when you read articles on the Web? What do you notice and what do you miss? Well, we've got some answers for you, because this topic has been studied. Turns out that the upper left quarter of the screen gets the most attention, according to the Eyetrack III research of The Poynter Institute, the Estlow Center for Journalism & New Media, and Eyetools. But that's not all. There's more to it than that.

People's eyes have some very common behavior patterns. It probably has to do with our hunter-gatherer ancestry.

First, we do reconnaissance, or "recon" as the military calls it. Users' eyes flick over the entire screen at whatever draws their attention. And what draws it most? Well, the first hot spots are headlines, photo captions, subheadings, links, menu items and the logo on the page-doesn't matter if it's a good logo or a bad one, people look at logos.

Then the upper left corner of the screen gets special attention, probably because that's where people expect to find the very best stuff. And the right-hand and lower part of the page almost always gets less attention.

This is info that site developers must know: when you put your most important, vital content outside that critical upper left corner, that important content might as well be invisible when people are making the big decision: whether to stay on your site and read more or go somewhere else.

Yes, people scan a page quickly. But scanning has a purpose: it quickly identifies to a user what they really want to read. The good news is that if you can hook them right off the bat, when they start actually reading a news story on the Web, they read a larger proportion than if they were reading that very same story in the newspaper.

How To Use Frontloading to Attract Your Visitor's Attention

Frontloading means that you start headlines, paragraphs and links with the most important words. The first words should communicate the subject of the headline, paragraph or link. This is not like writing a novel or a story, where you have time to be coy and not get to the point for awhile. You've got about a quarter of a second to grab that user's attention or he won't read the rest of the sentence. Make the most of that opportunity.

If you do this, and you frontload your writing, especially at the top of the page, user's eyes will easily catch the most important info, and they'll keep reading.

Here are some examples of good frontloading:

Foo Fighters release new cd
Barbeque beef ribs recipes everyone will like
Tom Cruise stars in a new movie

Here are some bad examples that are not frontloaded:

New cd is being released, it's by the Foo Fighters
Everyone will love these great new recipes for barbeque beef ribs
New movie is coming out and it'll star Tom Cruise

Just following these simple Google Adsense tips will result in higher adsense ctr and visitors staying for a longer time at your websites.

Some Sensational Ways to Improve Your Earnings

If webmasters want to monetize their websites, the great way to do it is through Adsense. There are lots of webmasters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites. But then some of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on their websites.

What makes these webmasters different from the other kind is that they are different and they think out of the box. The ones who have been there and done it have quite some useful tips to help those who would want to venture into this field. Some of these tips have boosted quite a lot of earnings in the past and is continuously doing so. Here are some 5 proven ways on how best to improve your Adsense earnings. 1. Concentrating on one format of Adsense ad. The one format that worked well for the majority is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This same format have the tendency to result in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this format out of the many you can use? Basically because the ads will look like normal web links, and people, being used to clicking on them, click these types of links.

They may or may not know they are clicking on your Adsense but as long as there are clicks, then it will all be for your advantage. 2. Create a custom palette for your ads. Choose a color that will go well with the background of your site. If your site has a white background, try to use white as the color of your ad border and background. The idea to patterning the colors is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the web pages. Again, This will result to more clicks from people visiting your site. 3. Remove the Adsense from the bottom pages of your site and put them at the top. Do not try to hide your Adsense. Put them in the place where people can see them quickly.

You will be amazed how the difference between Adsense locations can make when you see your earnings. 4. Maintain links to relevant websites. If you think some sites are better off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Adsense put into that certain site, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor will see your ads first upon browsing into that site. 5. Try to automate the insertion of your Adsense code into the webpages using SSI (or server side included). Ask your web administrator if your server supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Just save your Adsense code in a text file, save it as adsense text, and upload it to the root directory of the web server.

Then using SSI, call the code on other pages. This tip is a time saver especially for those who are using automatic page generators to generate pages on their website. These are some of the tips that have worked well for some who want to generate hundreds and even thousands on their websites. It is important to know though that ads are displayed because it fits the interest of the people viewing them. So focusing on a specific topic should be your primary purpose because the displays will be especially targeted on a topic that persons will be viewing already. Note also that there are many other Adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is best to think of making a good ad that will be somewhat different and unique than the ones already done.

Every clickthrough that visitors make is a point for you so make every click count by making your Adsense something that people will definitely click on. Tips given by those who have boosted their earnings are just guidelines they want to share with others. If they have somehow worked wonders to some, maybe it can work wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the result it will bring. If others have done it, there is nothing wrong trying it out for you.

Best Ways Google Adsense Can Work For You

If you are not familiar with Google Adsense you should consider looking into the many features that it offers. Google Adsense is relatively new to the internet world, but it has proven to be a very effective tool that may even be able to make you some money. There are people who make a decent chunk of change every month from using Google Adsense.

Making money from adsense is not very difficult. The first thing that you will need to do is open an account. You can do this by accessing the Google Adsense website. You will then have to supply your contact information as well as the website that you want to have your ads placed on. After you are approved you will be able to get started. Google will send targeted ads to your site. So for example, if you are running a site on how to make money on line, they will send ads that correspond with that subject.

Making money from adsense is not a difficult concept either. The main thing to remember is that you will make money on how many times your visitors click on the ads that are displayed on your site. Making money from adsense is much easier if you have a lot of traffic. Because obviously, if nobody is visiting your site nobody can click on your ads.

Adsense for blog users has become very popular over the past few months. Blog owners have found that they can make a lot of money by placing these ads on their site. This is especially true for blogs that get a lot of traffic.

If you are skeptical about making money from adsense you are not alone. There are many people that feel that this program is too good to be true. But in all actuality there is not much to it at all. You never have to pay to use the service, and you will be sent payment every month. Many people feel that making money from adsense will be difficult because they do not have enough traffic; and these people are right. If making money from adsense is what you are after you will need to have a good marketing campaign in place. This way as your site begins to get more hits, you will also begin to make more money through adsense.

Making money from adsense is a viable opportunity if you put your mind to it. There are many people who have used this system to their advantage, and are cashing in on it. Making sure you increase your overall traffic is the best way to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of making money from adsense.

5 best ways to monetize your web traffic

AdSense is one of the best ways to monetize your web traffic. People see those little Ads by Google tidbits and they click like crazy. Or at least that’s the plan. But have you ever given though to where those ads are coming from? That would be AdWords, the Pay-Per-Click program for people who want to advertise their products on Google. They are the fine men and women who are willing to part with some coin of the realm every time a visitor to your web site chooses to click on an AdSense ad.

Google grabs the cash from the AdWords' member account, keeps some of it for themselves, and gives the rest to you. How much they keep and how much give away is a State secret, but who cares; just as long as we are getting ours each month. How AdWords Works AdWords provides pay-per-click advertising to merchants who are willing to shell out anywhere from a minimum 05 .05 per click all the way up to a maximum of $100 per click. Can you imagine anyone paying $100 just to have someone click on an ad? Anyway, the advertiser joins the Ad Words program and gets a control panel similar to the one that we Adsense users get. They can write their ads, pick their keywords, and establish an advertising budget. They get tools to track performance as well as to help them pick keywords.

There are no monthly minimum spends required and they can turn their ads on and off at will. Once an advertiser is happy with their ad, it gets released to the network and shows up on web sites like yours and mine. That’s if the keywords on your site match the keyword requirements of the brand spanking new ad, of course. They can’t buy their way to the top Google doesn’t simply push the people with the highest paying ads to the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). They use a rather fair methodology that takes into consideration not only the maximum CPC (cost per click), but also includes a secret recipe for determining an ad’s placement based upon the number of clicks the ad receives. So, at least in theory, an ad paying .05 per click could rise above one paying $5.00 per click if it’s more popular with Goggle’s audience.

I say in theory because if the owner of the $5 ad is paying attention then he or she will see that they are being bested by a lowly nickel ad and do some serious rewriting to get back up to the top where they belong. Personally, I’m not sure that I have the guts to invest a lot of money into hoping that people who click on my ad will actually buy something, since I still have to pay Google whether I make a sale or not. But, as a dedicated AdSense user , I’m sure glad that my AdWords brothers and sisters have more nerve than I do. And you should be thankful as well.

Increasing Your Adsense Revenues

There was an individual named Joel Comm. who once making only $30 daily with Adsense, a program where it allows you to make money when visitors of your site are clicking on the advertising links that are placed in the host's website. Until one day, he decides to have a try of other ways of increasing his Adsense earning.

After he had used several Adsense tools, Joel doubled his commission from $30 to $60 daily. But would you believe that his commission actually sky-rocketed for more than $500 per day? His earnings climbed up, making it $18,343 last December 2004 and it is quite possibly that his revenues may keep climbing after that period. It sounds impossible, but an individual have done it.

Adsense Basics

Joel Comn is now one of the successful Internet marketers that derive some of their revenues through the Adsense program. But you need to keep in mind that you can not earn as much as $18,000 per month if you will just allow Adsense to place its ads on your website. There are things you need to consider in order to make as much money as Joel did.

You need to apply for an Adsense account. Remember that you must be investing in your own domain so that your application will not be rejected. Make sure that your site's contents are organized and be viewed as professional.

After your site has been accepted, Adsense will give you a code that you will place on your website, enabling them to start placing ads on your site that are with relevance to its content. For instance, if your site is about air-conditioning, Adsense might place ads that deal with different kinds and models of air-conditioning equipment.

Adsense Web Tool

Part of Adsense program is the use of Adwords, or relevant words that is integrated with Adsense advertisement. In order to attract more visitors that are generating impressions or "clicks" to the ads in your site, you must let Adsense know what Adwords are relevant and related to the contents of your webpage. In this case, the Adsense Web Tool can help you.

Adsense Web Tools provide you with Adsense HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) ad code to place on the web pages which you want to display the ads. The Adwords that will be generated using the Web Tool are based on the keyword analysis, word frequency, and the overall link structure of the web. Adsense will have an idea what your webpage is all about, and it can precisely match the advertisement on each page.

Maybe you will wonder how Adsense know what appropriate Adwords needs to be displayed in your site. If Adsense has spidered your site, it automatically knows what Adwords are to be displayed in your site. However, if your site has not spidered yet, Adsense makes use of your site's URL first to decide what Adwords are appropriate. This is where your own domain will be important. You must invest on your own domain. Keep in mind that it has a significant impact on your Adsense revenues.

It is important that you make use of Adsense Web Tool so that you can maximize your possible earnings with Adsense. Do not rely alone on the displayed ads. Remember that you need to make it "clickable" to every Internet user that will visit your site. Start right and earn as much as $18,000 a month through Adsense.